Dust - Bedroom, Saturday Morning
When I was vacuuming my room, the dust on the carpet was disturbed and filled the room. It smelt dry and somewhat pungent. It reminds me of a factory/warehouse. It caused a dry feeling inside of me.
Air in Gym - Gym, Saturday Morning
As I was walking into the gym to start my day with a workout, the scent of air conditioning had a citrus smell, like that of a fresh lime. The smell lightened my day and gave me the activation energy to get work done.
Grilled Beef, Dining Room, Sunday Afternoon
I was having lunch. One of the dish was beef grilled on a barbecue grill. Even though I was not making the barbecue nor anywhere near the grill, through its charred scent, I felt the coziness of making barbecue in a summer afternoon.
Cha Shao, Dining Room, Saturday Afternoon
The scent of cha shao reminds me of home, no that I had eaten a lot at home, but it did remind me of restaurants in China where I would always order cha shao if it was on the menu. It gave me a homey feeling.
Book, Study, Saturday Afternoon
The smell of printed book gives me a sense of knowledge, since knowledge often comes in the form of printed materials. The pages in the book have the scent of wood, which gives me a feeling of calmness.
Tea, Study, Saturday Afternoon
I was drinking green tea in the afternoon. When I smelt the vapor of the tea, the scent of fresh leaf rouse to my nostrils. I felt zen when I smelt the tea. It helps me calm down and concentrate on doing schoolwork.
Deodorant, Bedroom, Sunday Morning
For the sake of smelling scents, I opened a deodorant. It has a cucumber scent, which gives me a clear and fresh feeling. It reminds of cucumber flavored potato chips I used to eat when I was little.
Toothpaste, Bathroom, Sunday Morning
I was brushing my teeth. The toothpaste has a mint scent which reminds of school days when I have to get up early. The scent itself gives me a fresh feeling.
Hand soap, Bathroom, Sunday Morning
I was washing my hands. The floral scent of the hand soap lightened my feelings. The scent somehow takes my mind to a imaginary pasture where the air is cool and pure.
Disinfecting Wipe, Bedroom, Sunday Afternoon
I was cleaning my room. As I was cleaning my desk with disinfecting wipe, the citric scent of the wipe gives me of sense of purity. It reminds my of the hospital where disinfectant is used prevalently.